Blair Warren Forbidden Keys To Persuasion Pdf

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These rituals define satanism. Loveless ritual sex, sodomy, pedophilia, ritual drugs, ritual blood sacrifice, ritual human sacrifice, ritual torture, ritual burning. Blair Warren. Language: English. ISBN: 2:00064086. Format: PDF / Kindle (mobi) / ePub. The Forbidden Keys To Persuasion. Chapter Overview. Lesson 1: The Basis Of Forbidden Persuasion And The Achilles Heel Of The Human Mind Lesson 2: The Mechanics Of Cult Mind Control - Part 1.

And includes: History as replacement of old memes by new ] [ ] At the present time, here are just three examples of Internet revisionism, each trying to identify and disentangle Jewish malevolence:– • (click to download), recommended. 2010: new, updated version. It's documented up to 2005, including Khazars as false Jews, Cromwell, the French Revolution, the USA and Jackson, the 'Civil War', the Opium Wars, gold and silver standards, greenbacks etc, the Boer War, the destruction of the Tsar, the First and Second World Wars including Germany and Japan, the Depression, the founding of Israel, Iraq wars, assassinations etc., with most of the detail recent. However, perhaps appropriately, it has material on 'Biblical Prophecies' and 'Satanism'. —the book has no conclusion section, and doesn't investigate how e.g.

Nationalism, democracy, aristocracy, company law, printing, spying were shaped, but certainly (1) shows that a few assassinations of Jews would have been positive, in the sense of reducing net cruelty, (2) fills in the use of money as a weapon, (3) shows the large contribution of Jews to wars and what non-Jews would regard as cruelty. Note that Hitchcock is unaware of much science scepticism AIDS, cell biology, NASA, nuclear matters, 'climate change'. • which has other historical material, largely American and world interest. However some of the site needs a small payment. (Feb 2017) has 'France Invades Germany 1914, 1923, 1939' • in two parts. Survey of world history, and detail on the 20th century wars and 'Jews'. • Other revisionist attacks include reconsideration of Christianity, not from the older rationalist view, but from a perspective perhaps originating with Nietzsche, examining attitudes such as perpetual punishment, the sense of sin, race, 'birthright', the myth of eternal life as a disincentive to action, and possible deliberate Jewish introduction and infiltration of damaging attitudes.

An obvious example is the forgiving attitude of [parts of] Christianity. Another is the viciously homicidal and genocidal God. Mediaeval chess, is new, at least to me: from this viewpoint, Christianity was a disaster, more or less comparable with modern-day effect of Jews as frauds, liars, and war-mongers, hating and trying to destroy Europe and whites. Bishops, Popes and so on more or less correspond to 'politically correct' collaborators of Jews. Fortunately, Christianity, despite its power, never overcome local forces of opposition. • And reconsideration of economics, for example as a long-term war involving finance, analogous to the rise of legalism.

Most economic theory is short-term and does not consider money backed by governments or other force, crashes, panics, and financial subsidies in a way analogous to wars. And science revisionism including everything from to and. And reconsideration of general personal histories: a south African Catholic medical man who lived through the Second World War. • My list of has a few hundred websites (with very approximate popularity indications) which appear to be sound. HISTORICAL EXHIBITS in date order (mostly 1880s–2013) Ancient World has some material on Greece, both ancient and modern.

Blair Warren Forbidden Keys To Persuasion Pdf

[ Including Greece, Persia, Macedonia, Athens, and Sparta; and the Ottoman Empire, including the Armenian Christian genocide (1912-1913); and Holocaust Revisionism; and 'Golden Dawn'. Genetic studies on Greece (notably to what extent modern Greeks resemble ancient Greeks) must in my view be in their infancy.

Blair Warren Forbidden Keys To Persuasion Pdf

I select that publication to exemplify the slow spread of revisionist ideas back in time. 0 - 400 AD Greek Empire eclipsed by Roman. Decline and Fall of Rome.

Christianity allowed after Jews Judaised it and supported an inferior Roman Emperor. Jews waned; Islam was a later 'Abrahamic' invention by Jews to exploit Arabs against whites. A few centuries later, the Khazars were converted, or taken over, or genetically changed by the new 'Judaism'; but were positioned to significantly affect the route between Asia and Europe. •, specialising in targeting ruling individuals and small groups, using acting skills and extreme concealment and what many people would regard as psychopathy.

It may resemble the present day's 'Jews'—a group of intra-specialists, and a herd who were expected to follow, and almost always did so, including commands to steal and defraud and kill and rape. • In about what's now labelled 0 A.D., the Roman Empire had loosely corralled, moved, joined, or otherwise made aware, human and language groups from Spain to Palestine and Slav countries, and from mid-to-north Europe to the Mediterranean and north Africa.

It must have been obvious to anyone that new outlooks might change things. • Early Christians must have been composed of many groups and many influences, including Persian, Babylonian, Egyptian, Greek, Latin and northern mythologies, technological influences such as ships, buildings and food, legal systems, and, importantly, the written word.

Papyrus seems to have become cheap and was obviously more portable that stone and baked clay tablets. • Opinions of (or 'primitive Christians') are mysterious; they have been censored. But the general view seems to be that they felt enlightened, shining, warm, lighted, golden—the word Christ being Greek, connected with gold. The chi-rho symbol of a fish (from the Greek word), and the use of catacombs in Rome, suggests an empire-wide fusion. They may of course never have amounted to much. But their beliefs would have been nothing like Judaic beliefs. • Traditionally, unrealistic people consider religions to be other-worldly.

But it must have been obvious that organisation was necessary, and probably there was competition for bureaucrats wanting settled careers, with speakers and broadcasters, a common language, with reading and writing for messages and accounting, and buildings. Probably Jews saw the opportunity to exploit in the guise of helping. Think of the development of tithes, for example, where the church in effect gets 10% of the net agricultural product. Fairly modern map; the Aral Sea was once larger. Showing likely areas of religious takeovers by Jews. Very roughly (places & names change): UA=Ukraine, AM=Armenia.

Arabs occupied a large area, and were well positioned to take over the remains of the Roman Empire, much of it around the Mediterranean Sea. Note: a silk route between Europe and China went north of the Khazar enclave, marked K. The Khazars had mountain and water barriers to the south, and were well-positioned to act with (or against) Silk Route merchants—and Huns, and Mongols, and the Chinese. And the Kaifeng Jews, visually indistinguishable from Chinese. • About four centuries passed before Christianity became a state religion.

This movement must have been taken over by Jews; the process has been analogous in modern Europe, and what became the USA over a similar time period. Essentially, Jews took a chance on inventing a new group which they could secretly run. Probably all the Gospels and Acts were forgeries, designed to implant 'Yeshua' into Christianity, where it did not previously exist. Judging by Jewish techniques now, their documents and preachers and hired followers and thugs would shout down and drown out opposition. Anyone who thinks that this is implausible should examine modern Jewish techniques: the holocaustianity fraud is a good example of persistent, systematic, unremitting blatant lies, believed (because of inherited Jewish instinct) to be undisprovable. Propaganda about Nero is an interesting parallel from the Roman world to propaganda about Hitler now.

The 'black legend' about Spain, parallels the vilification of Germany now. • ‘Christianity’ as invented by Jews must have been shaped by their desires. Having felt the sharp end of Roman power, they would preach self-absorption, other-worldliness, pacifism and 'turning the other cheek', chastity (a white population control method), leaving families, and giving money away. • was notorious as an unattractive bastard child with resentments—just the type Jews today prefer as fronts.

He may have relied on Jews to support his army. After Constantine: 'The Roman State.

Was almost continually at war until it ceased to exist. The Christian States which succeeded it continued to fight each other, though also. Fought states which were not Christian.' There's a suggestive parallel with the USA today, with endless wars, which Jews use to kill off anyone they think rivals them. Whether they have anywhere to go if the US fails must be something they consider. • For centuries now, historians and commentators have puzzled over the rise of Christianity: why did nobody try to continue the Roman empire?

Why not organise? Why not try to improve matters?—and the parallel with today shows why: Jews are concerned with themselves, and, probably genetically, are programmed to hate rivals. They were not interested in prolonging the system, any more than Jews now want the white world to flourish.

A controlled Church suited them. Or at least they moved towards it, with fanatical and imbecilic lack of thought. Jews may have declined, or been killed or thrown out—perhaps a motive for trying the same trick on Arabs, and fleeing to Khazaria. • Histories since the Middle Ages have attributed the destruction of writings of early Christians to Christians (in the Jew-infected sense) themselves. I'd suggest much of the destruction of documents was a Jewish activity carried out with the concentrated energy of parasites: think of the modern parallels—systematic removal of documents about the First World War, 9/11 destruction of financial records, control of historians over the Holohoax, huge funds to support liars, and systematic standardised lies about foreign wars and foreign criminals. Many Americans at the present day seriously imagine that belief in the mythical 'Christ' figure will stop wars.

• Ever since, there has been tension between local and regional churches, which naturally had some local patriotism, and Jews, lurking in the background, promoting their fake made-up rubbish. For example, the Old Testament was made official in the final assembly of a canon of works, all, absurdly, Jewish. Much of the Middle Ages is a tug or war between lurking Jews, who generally made trouble by fomenting wars, and the more overt Roman and Eastern and Orthodox Churches, who often foolishly took up larger loans than they could possibly afford. Denunciations of Jews and usury by the Church looks likely to be partrly fake: the Roman Church continued to use Jewish money, so probably the denunciations were to keep the Jewish monopoly on coinage and credit. The 'they killed Jesus' idea may have been made up to pretend the Church was very anti-Jewish, or to highlight real or supposed supposed differences between sects or groups. • And this state of affairs still applies.

At present, Jews have the upper hand, and have changed many tenets of churches unrecognisably; and of course they had the triumph of massacring millions of Orthodox Russians, equivalent perhaps to massacres in north Africa and Cyprus in about 100 AD. The influence of Jews in Turkey and Arabia and Africa is becoming better-known now, with Internet. • Paradoxically, there is sense in the phrase 'Judeo-Christian', since Jews arranged the forgery of the New Testament. • We are, now, accustomed to the separation of Church from State: it seems natural that a church should co-exist with people who aren't official religious believers or performers. But it's possible early Jews wanted to rule; maybe they were not powerful or convincing or impressive enough to impose themselves.

Considering how the 'Holocaustianity' fraud is being pushed worldwide, I'd guess the unstated aim was to rule—something to bear in mind. In my opinion this separation was most fortunate, since it allowed some scope for creativity and genius. Based on so-called 'Jews' and their behaviour today, it's also possible to reconstruct the invention of Islam, as Rome and Christianity finally weakened and failed. • Inventing Islam. Jews had writing.

The technologies for producing ink (brush or pen) on papyrus, and binding the result, were well worked-out. Jews had plenty of stories to draw on, and a crude philosophy. They must have wanted an army of controllable aggressive thugs, to carry out their own orders. Someone, possibly Jews, invented scripts in such languages as Arabic and Georgian. • Here's an indication of what Jews felt as the remains of the Roman Empire left little for parasites.

Jewish academic Dr. David Wasserstein: 'Islam saved Jewry. This is an unpopular, discomforting claim in the modern world. But it is a historical truth. First, in 570 AD, when the Prophet Mohammad was born, the Jews and Judaism were on the way to oblivion. And second, the coming of Islam saved them, providing a new context in which they not only survived, but flourished, laying foundations for subsequent Jewish cultural prosperity&mdashalso in Christendom—through the medieval period into the modern world.' Wasserstein is saying—not very clearly—that the army of Muslims were thieves controlled by Jews.

• The Quran or Koran may have been composed by Jews, or on their suggestions. The tradition is that the illiterate Mohammed spent time in a cave, and emerged with writings which were God's words, G-d's words, Allah's words, or whatever. Jews regard themselves as God, rather amusingly, so the tradition may well be accurate in that sense—discussing with Mohammed what he wanted, it must have been easy enough to assemble a pastiche of Jewish material aimed at Arabs, and add to it when circumstances changed.

Let's look at supporting evidence. • The Quran is the first Arab writing of any consequence (unless earlier material was lost or destroyed).

This alone suggests that literate foreigners compiled it, in language(s) which need no be Arabic. The script may have been a Jew invention: it is right-to-left. The sounds must have been similar.

Vowel sounds were not used; some texts are undotted. The Quran does not use Jewish script, presumably what's now called Hebrew, but Jews would not have wanted Arabs to be able to read their 'sacred' psychopathy.

• The whole point of the Quran must have been to hijack beliefs of Arabs and insert Jewish desires and beliefs, to give Jews themselves some immunity. For example, Abraham was inserted. Otherwise, Arabs were to be as violent and vicious and grasping as possible, with Christians a possible exception, depending on Jewish policies at different times.

Of course the Talmud provided many handy examples of viciousness. And of course it provided no examples of unparasitic activity. • Here are some (too long to be copied here).

Here's what may be the naturally evolved state of Arabs: The Arab was a nomad, not a cultivator, and brought with him. Agricultural disaster. The Arab is sometimes called the Son of the Desert, but. In most cases he is the Father of the Desert, having created it himself, and the arid waste in which he lives and on which practically nothing will grow is the direct result of his appalling indolence, combined with his simian trait of destroying everything he does not understand. Yet Arabs are withal, the quickest of peoples to follow the call to truth and righteousness.

For their natures are relatively simple and free from the distorting effect of bad habits and evil ways. • Here's a (i.e. Jew-controlled societies). Netanyahu and his father. Why so-called 'Jews' may be referred to as 'Turco-Mongol'. Note that Khazars may have helped Mongols invade Europe, just as they helped Moslems invade Europe earlier, and later. C 1200 - c 1400 Mongol invasions of Europe, Rus and other territories, China.

Names include Timur (or Tamerlaine) and tribal descriptions include 'Turco-Mongol'. Although largely forgotten outside Russia, these invasions made a great impression at the time. Marlowe's Tamburlaine the Great was written after about the same time as we are from Napoleon.

(I'm assuming conventional historical dating). As with the Hun empire, something like a millennium earlier, there's some insubstantiality, caused perhaps by the lack of written material: unlike Jews, Christians and Muslims (in that order), Huns and Mongols did not leave sacred or pseudo-sacred writings, perhaps through some accident, such as not having papyrus, or not having secure enough storage. So they join the pre-Greek and pre-Roman empires of antiquity in surviving only when specialists decoded their writings or inferred their beliefs. ['Curmudgeon' in TheOccidentalObserver, Jan 2017, states that Khazars (see this group as converts to Judaism) co-operated with Mongols in invading Europe—something obvious enough once it's pointed out.] c 1400 - c 1600 The Reformation. Starting with translations of the Bible. It's not known, or not clear, to what extent this was a Jewish movement.

Note however the important division right through the movement. Luther, having read Jewish 'holy' books, became anti-Jewish. On the other hand some states were undecided: the Netherlands, first, then England, became Protestant and were more-or-less Jewish invaded, as the prospects for the New World became clear, and seaports were sought. Though of course this process took time, and was not completed in Britain until Cromwell's death, after which the Restoration of the monarchy made things look somewhat as before, plus such organisations as the Bank of England.

C 1500 - c 1650 Europe largely free of Jews. When people discuss Jews in (say) Venice, Italy, or Spain, bear in mind this 150-year hiatus. No doubt there is an intimate connection with the immense flowering of the Renaissance in Europe. And no doubt a connection with the finance of wars and their locations. 1522 the twelfth of October, when that noble knight Andrea d'Amaral, your patron saint, threw open the gates of Rhodes to the Turk from Jean Raspail's Camp of the Saints.

[ Most English-speaking whites have no idea of the prolonged history of Jews permitting invasions. Just one specimen ] 1572 St Bartholomew's Day Massacre in France. Revisionist-minded people might consider reframing old-style Jew-denying history to include hypotheses involving Jews. And here's a good one, from Miles Mathis: ‘The King [Henry II of France] was more likely poisoned. We find a strange reaction from Montgomery, who had up to that time been savagely repressing Huguenots in the Scotch Guard: he joined them and waged war against France. I suggest he was chosen as a scapegoat for the King's death and didn't appreciate it.

I also suggest that with the murder of his King, he became aware of what the Medici faction was up to: it had just performed a successful coup through the Queen [Catherine de' Medici]. So Montgomery's war wasn't against France, it was against the Medicis.

He should be seen as a hero. This means the religious wars of that period have been sold to us under a false pretext. We are told it was between the Catholics and the Protestants. But seeing that Paris was ruled by the Jewish Medicis, we see it was a war of the Medicis against the Christian Church more broadly.

Catherine ordered the rich Huguenots murdered in the St. Bartholomew's Day massacre not because they were Protestant, but because they were prominent aristocrats and Christian. It 'printed on Protestant minds the indelible conviction that Catholicism was a bloody and treacherous religion'. That's convenient for the Medicis, right? We see that these religious wars did double duty: 1) getting rid of rich aristocrats whose properties could then be seized, 2) blackwashing Catholicism by making Catholics look like the bad guys. It wasn't really Catholics ordering the Huguenot genocide: it was the Medicis. The history of France has been rewritten by Jewish 'scholars'.’ 1605 'Tsar Fyodor Borisovich Godunov son of Tsar Boris Godunov, ruled less than a year as Feodor II after his father's death in 1605; murdered in June the same year.'

[ Speculative comment: it seems possible that a Jewish movement deposed the Godunov dynasty to substitute a Jewish dynasty. ] 1534- 1620 Japan banned Christianity expelling the Jesuits, following warnings by a sea captain, shipbuilder and navigator, William Adams. I'd like to suggest what happened may rather have been connected with Jews attempting to get access to Japan. 1650 Birth of Dutch William or William of Orange. (Orange is an area of the Netherlands). [ He was too young to have participated in the Amsterdam Synagogue scheme for the 'Bank of England'.

King of England, Ireland, and Scotland 1689-1702. 1688 'Glorious Revolution': there was a Dutch Invasion; the meme that 'England was only ever invaded in 1066' is false. It's easy to miss Dutch connections with Jews: the Dutch East Indies exploitation; the Amsterdam diamond market; Amsterdam prostitution; the frantic resistance to Hitler during WW2, resulting in their being bombed; participation in the Ann Frank fraud; use of Dutch airspace to supply Israel (see 1992 cargo plane crash); the Islamic connections of Geert Wilders; the availability of 'welcome the stranger' invasion supporters. Boers despite being Dutch in origin are ignored, no doubt because of Jewish hate of whites. ] 1655 Demurrer by William Prynne argued against Jewish admission. Prynne is now usually dismissed as a Puritan fanatic who hated the theatre.

1661 Cromwell's body disinterred and his mummified head, with two other regicides, displayed on a pole. Only about five years after Cromwell gave Jews a foothold in England. 1665 Official Gazette claims to have been established in this year. 1666 In England, the ' Great Fire' seems to have been a land-clearance scheme by fire, after which the Jewish 'Bank of England' was constructed attributed falsely to disgruntled people. See also the Cestui Que Vie Act complete with bilingual confusion and substitution of 'state', or at least private corporation, for monarchy. C 1500 - c 1700 Henry VIII had re-introduced interest and plundered the monasteries; there was new gold and silver from the New World; and new expensive armaments.

Earlier finances in Italy and Germany faded. This set the stage for Jewish movement to Britain from the Netherlands and from Venice, under Cromwell: Britain was nearer the New World, and had many ports for ships. Probably the Bank of England was built after deliberate fire clearance in London.

And probably the decline of the Hanseatic League followed and was planned. War devastated German states: 1618-1648 'Thirty Years War' is another revisionist topic. And in the following century enclosures improved farming, but not ordinary peoples' lives. 1500-1880 The revisionist process now is extending back through time, and this process will I hope continue and professionalise. Religious writers on Jews include • Martin Luther (short book on Jews, 1543ish) • Johann Eisenmenger (two-volume Entdecktes Judenthum (1711ish). (A downloadable 1743 (or 1742, or 1748!) 2-vol work possibly based on Eisenmenger is ).

• Dr Alexander McCaul said by Michael Hoffman to be a devastating 19th-century critic of the Talmud. [Here is Metapedia's.

Warning: Metapedia was taken over and ruined.>]. It is worth noting that both The Times and The Daily Telegraph were under the ownership of Joseph Moses Levy from 1856 to 1928. The DT was founded by Colonel Arthur B Sleigh in 1855 and his paper was printed by Levy who already owned The Times. After only one year of operation and unable to pay Levy’s print bill, the Colonel was forced to sell the DT to Levy. Thus, during the most significant period in British history, in terms of Jewish propaganda, two of the major London papers, The Times (the ‘quality’ newspaper) and the Daily Telegraph (the cheaper tabloid) were used as central ‘clearing houses’ for this unquestioned propaganda. I'm uncertain if this is in fact true; there may be confusion of the Times with Sunday Times: Jewish secrecy and deception come into play, and it's difficult to verify details of Jewish propaganda control, since (for example) company laws on disclosure vary. The Times was regarded—this is the received view—as serious and reliable, as many people perhaps still view the BBC.] 1858 Government of India Act and the neglect of overseas possessions by economists.

[ Here's a write-up, I think by an Immigrant into Britain: In 1858, the British Crown bailed out and nationalised the most powerful company in human history. A company that had a standing army of 280,000 men, which it used to enslave a sixth of humanity and rule over an area in excess of 5 million km2. In fact, such was the power and influence of the British East India Company that even the Acts of Union of 1707 that merged the Kingdoms of England and Scotland was only made possible by bribing Scottish MPs with company shares. The East India Company was a behemoth – its power stemming from its legislated monopoly over all international trade to and from India, culminating in 15% of all British exports having to go through the Company.

However, the Indian Mutiny of 1857, which was caused by the Company's bigoted policies, almost brought down Britain's colonial experiment in South Asia, and served as a warning to halls of Westminster. How Much Do World Rally Drivers Earnings more. It was then understood the danger of an all-powerful corporation controlling the levers of power and the need for legislative oversight. Therefore, the Government of India Act of 1858 represented the first major corporate monopoly crackdown. ] 1860 Scroll down to 'Boxer Rebellion', Opium Wars, Sassoons, destruction of Chinese historical artefacts. Many of these are now in the hands of ghoulish Jewish 'collectors'. [From about 1830, the Sassoons, who had been thrown out of Baghdad, used the British army and navy to force opium on China; 1859 marked a climax, in which opium chests were thrown into rivers—very likely in imitation of the American revolution, and just as the Vietnamese later published a 'Declaration of Independence'. In retaliation, Palmerston ordered the destruction of Yuanmingyuan, an area of Peking/Beijing, translated as 'The Summer Palace' or 'Garden of Perfection and Light'.

This period was the infancy of archaeology; I don't personally know how accurate are the claims made for 5,000 years of Chinese historical evidence having been destroyed, and over a million imperial objects are estimated to have been taken from the site: many of these are now scattered around the world, in private collections and public museums. However, in a period of about fifty years China was largely destroyed.

Note that Rumsfeld, a Jew living n the USA, made jokes about Iraqi artefacts, from the 'cradle of civilization', being destroyed. It's often said by Jews that 'Europe' plundered the world.

The Opium Wars show how doubtful this interpretation is: Jews benefited, but whether Britain would have gone to war over opium seems more doubtful. The Jews made personal fortunes, but, spread over the whole population of Britain, that would have been a small prize. Note that one of the events supposedly leading to this destruction was two claimed murders; two 'unidentifiable' bodies were part of the evidence. This sounds like a false flag operation.] 1861-1865 USA 'Civil War'. Here's a link to a which, even though written with a Southern States perspective, and full of post-1945 invective against 'Communists', still fails to identify Jews.

And here's a comment on the origin of the 'War Between the States', the other formulation of the 'Civil War', assuming different arrangements of territory: Lincoln denied the Constitutional right of the southern states to lawfully secede from the union. Well into the war—and for propaganda purposes—the 'reason' was switched to emancipation of slaves. (Lincoln was quoted as saying, 'If I could preserve the union without freeing one slave, I would do it.'

) 1862 Little-known expulsion: 17th December 1862, during the American Civil War, Union general and future president Ulysses S. Grant took the strongest action against Jews in United States history, expelling all Jews from his region of control - comprising areas of Tennessee, Mississippi, and Kentucky, under General Order No. 11 1865 End of the “US Civil War”.

1965 Death of Winston Spencer-Churchill KG, OM, CH, TD, PC, DL, FRS, RA —note the absurd honorary titles. A revisionist process is the painful one of revising opinions of publically-praised persons.

[ All European capitals, including London of course, and Anglosphere capitals, have memorials and monuments to people and events approved by what's now obviously Jewish-backed cliques. State funerals in Britain included George VI (1952), Churchill (1965), the 'Queen Mother' (2002), and Margaret Thatcher (2013).

We have a statue of Churchill in Parliament Square, Churchill College in Cambridge (with the usual difficulty in finding 'notable alumni'), and even less elevated places such as London Churchill College ('directly involved in the East London community'), a 'Churchill Community College' in N.E. England, and a Churchill College in New Malden which looks like an 'English for Foreigners' outfit.

And about six Churchill hotels, a few dozen Churchill roads, streets, and squares. ] 1966 Mishkin v. New York 383 U.S. 502 - Typical sample of Jewish pornography: pushed in USA by Jewish lawyers, media, judges. 1967 Bertrand Russell, J-P Sartre, Noam Chomsky, Ralph Schoenman, Isaac Deutscher, others (Russell was 95 at this time. The Tribunal was dominated by Jews, and this may explain the lack of investigation into war profiteers, the role of Kissinger, profits from drugs and prostitution, the control of currency in Vietnam, and the desire for increased national debt to yield annual revenue to Jews). Unlike anti-goyim reports, this tribunal was virtually ignored.

1967 Time-Life's Rise of Russia (attributed to Robert Wallace, 'a staff writer'; UK edition) mentions Khazars and Jews in very similar terms to Koestler, about ten years later: '. In 558 came the Avars, large, powerful fighters. On the track of the Avars came the Khazars. [this may be an error, as Khazars seem to have not invaded their territory]. The Khazar rulers, diplomatically evading a choice between the Christian and Islamic religions of their powerful neighbours, embraced Judaism.

The Khazars were in control of the steppe from the mid-seventh century to the early tenth.' It's unclear from the brief bibliography where this idea is quoted from; I mention it because it pre-dates Koestler, is taken for granted, and pre-dates the full Jewish Holocaust fraud. Naturally Jews and the so-called 'Russian Revolution' are omitted from the US Jewish media part-work. [ I can't resist quoting, from the same volume, on Vladimir, who captured territories and 'By the year 1000, [Vladimir's] Kievan Russia was second in area only to the Holy Roman Empire. According to the.

Account in the [Primary] Chronicle, Vladimir was approached in 986 by representatives of various faiths. From the south-east came the Khazars, preaching the attractions of Judaism, but when Vladimir asked why the Jews had been expelled from Jerusalem they could only reply, 'God was angry at our forefathers, and scattered us among the gentiles on account of our sins'. Could see no promise in the faith of a dispersed people.' In addition, Vladimir decided against Islam because he liked wine, and against Roman Catholicism because the German version was unimpressive. But he liked the Byzantine Church and after military exploits and marriage to a Byzantine co-emperor's sister, established his Metropolitan Church, giving it 10% of his revenues. The peasants were less impressed, and continued with ancestor worship, orgies, sorcerors ( volkhvi), and with double faith, dvoeverie, despite sword-point baptisms.

] 1967 Enoch Powell's speech at a Conservative Party Club. [ May be taken as the start of semi-public debate over the effects of immigration, which began in 1948. Many universities had meetings with synthetic indignation in 'protest' in 1967, no doubt organised by Jews, though nobody said so to non-Jews.

Powell never discussed Jews; his comments were therefore worthless. His whole speech is curiously empty.

Its harmlessness must have been one reason Jewish media gave it widespread publicity. However the secret Jewish policy to damage white countries by immigration has become progressively better known. Martin Webster was certainly aware of the issue in the 1970s. So were the National Front. Jane Birdwood's piece The Longest Hatred (below) specifically includes a section. Other of the many Jewish names include Rabinovitch, Sontag, Ignatieff, and the recently-much-publicised-thanks-to-Internet Barbara Spectre.

] 1967 'Six-Day War'. 2017 headline Israel provoked the Six-Day War in 1967, and it was not fighting for survival refers to an interview by Norman Finkelstein, though almost certainly there are better informed commentators. 'Israel was not peacefully minding its own business, but instead regularly and violently provoking its Arab neighbors.' 1968 Eustace Mullins's book is published by 'The International Institute of Jewish Studies'.

Eustace Mullins (1923-2010) has a website which for my taste is not a very well organised site. I recommend The Biological Jew for its detailed comparison of Jews with fully-evolved parasites.

Mullins regards Talmudic studies as something like a textbook on parasitic behaviour. He carries this into such details as blood-drinking rituals, sexual perversions, and obsession with excretion. This book is not in the genes/ genetics tradition of many biologists and popularists, such as Richard Dawkins, but is holistic. In fact, it's possible the badly-analysed material on genes, itself controlled by Jews, was an intentional distraction.

See the 2013 piece (below) on. 1968 1968 has entered the official demonology, as the start of western decline and decay, completely wrongly. The problems of Jewish militarism began decades earlier, certainly with the desire for war against Germany in the 1930s. Jewish-promoted immigration had been scene-set years earlier, in for example the US Hart-Cellar Act, and the UK Act of 1948 which opened Britain to everyone in the 'Commonwealth'! The —bombing of huge numbers of Vietnamese villages, experimentation with bombs and chemical warfare, were of course played down by the Jewish media. And protests were certainly partly.

Jews looked at the bombs as dollar signs, homeless Vietnamese women and children as prostitutes for American troops, and US troops themselves as disposable goyim. It's well worth understanding this as an example of the fiendish inhumanity of so-called 'Jews' and their handling in their media, and the cowardice of their fellow-travellers. 1969 Rose et al. Of the 'Institute of Race Relations' (Worth reading as an example of the Jewish push for alien immigration into Britain.

Entirely one-sided presentation, by a funded secretive group with an official-sounding title. Similar policies have been promulgated in the USA, Canada, Australia and New Zealand, and all white countries possibly excepting Russia) 1969 Largely unremarked penetration of the academic world by Jews with their agenda. (Slightly comparable with Kevin MacDonald's work on Jewish Intellectual and Political Movements in the USA. This extract is taken from Student Power ed. A Cockburn & R Blackburn. Perry Anderson says (in effect) that Jews penetrating Britain were a different type from those in the USA.

The book includes foreshadowings of the media-driven 'Holocaust' fraud. 1986 John Doyle Klier's first book Russia Gathers Her Jews, expanded from a PhD dissertation. Regarded as a Catholic academic, Klier nevertheless worked in Hebrew studies and (later) in archives in Russia. One of the few Catholics to comment seriously on Jews, one guesses he must have been an irritant to Jewish handlers.

See below, on 'pogrom revisionism'. 1987 First volume of Churchill's War by David Irving. Probably the first serious attack on the fantasy presentations of Churchill as a 'great wartime leader'. Note that East End London had quite large numbers of poor 'Jews' to be bombed after Hitler's retaliation to Churchill. Here's an undated film or video of. July 20th, 1940 selected by Irving as a key date: transition from British Empire to Cold War.

(DI accepts 'nuclear weapons'). 1989 More than 40 years later. Saturday Night (a picture magazine; September 1989) published an 8-page article by James Bacque. (Link to a downloadable PDF, about 840K). Eisenhower circumvented the Geneva Convention by renaming Prisoners of War 'Disarmed Enemy Forces'. 1990 'Lautenberg Amendment' to H.R.3743 offered cash and numerous benefits and immigration into the USA to Jews from the the USSR, on a discriminatory basis, presumably part of the planned collapse of the USSR, which soon followed.

1990 BBC Have I Got News for You Fake pseudo-satire news programme; probably small part of the push for war against Iraq. Writers listed as Hislop and Merton, probably both 'Jews'. Bosch Pst 53a Manual High School more. (VHS tape, then mp4) 1991 Attributed to Jane Birdwood (Published by Jane Birdwood. About 25,000 words. The death of Jane Birdwood in 2000 reminded me I had a copy of this booklet, for which she was inconclusively prosecuted in Britain. Its varied and interesting topics include: the nature of money and the 'Bank of England', 'Communism' and the fact the Soviet Union was supplied with technology and equipment, some little-known religious texts including Luther on Jews, race (including Portugal's disastrous race-mixing, Jews and the slave trade, and the Jewish-promoted 'Race Relations Act' in the UK), various types of secrecy (for example, Freemasonry), and the possible causes of wars, for example against Iraq. Its Second World War material mainly examines 'the Holocaust' the political effects of WW1 and WW2 aren't examined—the authors hadn't realised nuclear weapons are a fraud—but deaths of healthy white men are examined) 1991 CCETSW ['Central Council for Education and Training in Social Work' in Britain] Diploma in Social Work guidelines 'set out in detail the new orthodoxy'.

The 'self-evident truth' that 'racism is endemic in the values, attitudes and structures of British society.' Would be tolerated. Colleges and courses that did not accept it would lose their licence to train social workers. Evidence of doubt was evidence of unsuitability.' 1991 Bilderberger Group starts to enter general discourse in an intermittent way. The names comes from Bilderberg Hotel in Osterbeek, Netherlands, May 1954. An early website of the 1990s: Conrad Black brags (or confesses, depending on one's point of view) that 'After 1986, I became the co-leader of the Canadian group and effectively chose most of the Canadian participants.'

Presumably, Agnelli 'effectively' chooses the Italian participants, Balsemao the Portuguese, Barnevik the Swedish, Davignon the Belgian, Hoegh the Norwegian, Halberstadt the Dutch, Olechowski the Polish, de Pury the Swiss, Schrempp the German, Seidenfaden the Danish, Sutherland the Irish, Vranitzky the Austrian, Collomb the French, David the Greek, Carvajal Urquijo the Spanish, and Wolfensohn, all those not otherwise included. Selection of US and UK participants is clearly more complicated. Another sample: Charler Frey in the OccidentalObserver 2016: ARKANSAS DEMOCRAT published the fact, in June, 1991, that Clinton attended the Bilderberger conclave in Baden-Baden, and flew to Moscow to meet with Vladimir Bakatin, who was pre-occupied with his Russian September election, running as former Minister of the Interior [KGB]. Nothing was ever published about that meeting, and Putin never replied to my query on his personal web-site. Many former Bilderberger-attendees found themselves nominated and elected heads of states or Brussels Commissars. (edited down) December 1991 U.S.S.R.'

S planned collapse, after careful preparation. 1992 From 1987-92, upwards of a million and a half Jews fled Russia in anticipation of the planned deconstruction of the Soviet Union. Extract from Anthony Hargis in (site started in 2000. Has extracts from the Los Angeles Times). The idea that the USSR collapsed without the CIA having any idea of it, is of course nonsense, and part of the Jewish media blackout surrounding the Jewish coup in Russia. 1992 Publication of Ronald Headland Messages of Murder. A Study of the Reports of the Einsatzgruppen [sic; no umlaut] of the Security Police and the Security Service, 1941-1943.

(Endnoted in Irving on Churchill, along with Omer Batov, The Eastern Front, 1941-1945. German Troops and the Barbarisation of Warfare (London, 1985). And Theo J Schulte, The German Army and Nazi Policies in Occupied Russia (Berg, 1989).) Headland (if indeed that's a real name) and the title of the 1992 book, connections with Robert Maxwell, plus the obscure publisher Farleigh Dickinson 'the largest private university in New Jersey', suggest, obviously enough, a subsidised push to pretend Jews in the USSR and satellites were innocent, timed with the deconstruction of the U.S.S.R. The drivers of the USSR were Jews; the word 'Communist' of course includes them, but also includes a whole spectrum of collaborators, including 'useful idiots', Masonic and other cryptics, victims in Gulags and prison, media and military employees, and masses of normal people unable to escape.