Tascam Dat Recorder Manual
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Tascam da 20 problems hello all, i hope someone can help me with this. I have a tascam da 20 dat recorder that i want to use for band rehersals/live recording etc., this last weekend we had a jam and i was going to record it with the da 20, i used a brand new tdk pro da-r90 tape and set the machine to record. I was getting a good strong signal on the meters and all seem good to go, however on playback it cuts in and out every 2-3 seconds, example; 1sec-signal,2sec-signal, 3sec-no signal, 4sec-signal etc. I've tried another tape with same results, also tested it with spdif/digital feed from my daw same thing. I've searched thru the manual and internet for solutions to no avail.
What am i missing? Please any of you who have any ideas let me know. Thanks, bill. ORIGINAL: billyb hello all, i hope someone can help me with this. I have a tascam da 20 dat recorder that i want to use for band rehersals/live recording etc., this last weekend we had a jam and i was going to record it with the da 20, i used a brand new tdk pro da-r90 tape and set the machine to record. I was getting a good strong signal on the meters and all seem good to go, however on playback it cuts in and out every 2-3 seconds, example; 1sec-signal,2sec-signal, 3sec-no signal, 4sec-signal etc.
I've tried another tape with same results, also tested it with spdif/digital feed from my daw same thing. I've searched thru the manual and internet for solutions to no avail. What am i missing? Please any of you who have any ideas let me know. Thanks, bill Do another test and make sure nothing is plugged into the spdif.
Learn about Sony, Tascam, Fostex and Panasonic DAT Recorder features and specifications. Download user and service manuals. The original Tascam DA-30 was updated as the DA-30mkii, and then replaced by the DA-40. The DA-30 and. This is easily done, and the following quick method will bring you years of SCMS-free recording joy with no side-effects. For more details see page 34 of the DA-20/DA-20mkII manual. There are more.
If there is a sample rate swtich try both 44.1 and 48k. If you are trying to record the SPDIF in make sure the signal is either 44.1 / 16bit or 48k / 16bit. That's all DAT can do. ORIGINAL: billyb thanks for the tip frank. But why would it act the same way while recording analog with nothing in the spdif?
That is, i originally was attempting to record straight in with two mics. And as i mentioned before, it seemed to record for 2-3 seconds, then pause, then record 2=3 seconds, then pause, then record so on.
This is really stumping me. But i do appreciate your input. Bill I've never seen one do that. I have a DA-30 that is over 10 years old now and it's still working fine. Your machine could be going bad.
The good news is you should be able to get another one off e-bay for next to nothing. I misspoke, what I meant to say now that I have gotten home and LOOKED at the front of the beast is that you want to make sure its set to analog input if you are feeding it analog, digital input, makes sure its correct sampling rate. Another common error I remember was when re-recording over old tapes, start IDs can fudge up the process by causing the deck to go into pause or at least hesitate.
And then it could just be dirty heads, lord knows where to get a dat head cleaner tape?! Marketek.com maybe? Hi everyone, i'm still trying to solve this problem. But have learned a few things along the way. I've cleaned the heads with a pro cleaning tape, tried different tapes, have tried digital and analog recording, and found that the problem doesn't lie in recording but in playback instead. It seams that whatever signal i'm going into dat with gets recorded but upon playback there is the dropouts they start out about 4-6 secs into playback lasting 1-2 secs in duration, yet, as the tape plays the dropouts get more frequent to where finally theris no sound.
You can rewind the tape a bit and start play and it will start this cycle again. I'm sure it's not on the recording end of it because the dropouts occur at different places i.e. Soundcloud Bot Keygen Software. Razgovor Sa Bogom Knjiga Pdf Converter. One time the dropout will be at say 1:22 on tape but if you back up to 1:20 and play it the dropout won't occur till 1:25 or so, which means the recorded material is all there on the tape.
If it wasn't you wouldn't be able to hear the part that had dropped out previously no matter where you started play from. So, i'm racking my brain for possible causes and solutions this situation, and would be ever grateful to any and all who could shed more light on this. Because at the moment i'm truly stumped. Thanks in advance. Sure sounds like your playback head is going bad. Because you have seemingly exhausted all other possibilities, I'm inclined to agree.
The DA's all use a rotary head for playback and recording. The problems could be occurring in different spots because when the tape is loaded and engaged against the drum, it won't necessarily land on the same spot on the head. If it were a faulty tape, this is where you would find the glitches at the same spot everytime. Based on your description, and experience with other R-DAT machines I've used (and encountered problems with), it sounds to me as if you need the head replaced.
And, if this is the case, don't bother. As mentioned above, for the price you'd pay to have the thing fixed, or even paying a simple bench charge, you could probably buy two functioning units off of Ebay. It might simply be out of alignment, (did it take a hit of some kind?) or even be a tape sensor logic chip, but even if this is the case it would probably still be more cost efficient for you to replace it with a used and functioning model. I've seen them pretty darn cheap on ebay, BTW.