Washington State Driving Test Score Sheet
• Limited strength or mobility: inability to operate foot controls with left and right foot, diminished arm and/or hand strength, limited neck mobility resulting in inability to look over their shoulder to check the vehicle's blind spot. • Applicants that have received a re-examination letter from DOL. • Artificial limbs/Loss of limbs, glass eye or patch over one eye, or using a prosthetic arm/leg. • Paralysis: inability or difficulty operating hand and/or foot controls due to paralysis in limb(s).
• Use of a cane, crutches or walker.Section 3 (Applicant Eligibility) (1/24/14) 3-3 • Severe tremors: difficulty controlling the steering wheel, difficulty maintaining consistent pressure on the gas or brake pedal. • Temporary impairments; cast on arms or legs or neck brace; Do not test anyone with a cast on either of their legs or hands/arms. • Recent injury or surgery that could impair the applicant's driving ability. Send them to the LSO.
• Mental limitations: significant mental slowness, impaired attention and/or impaired concentration that may impact an applicant's judgment, attention, knowledge or skills necessary to safely operate a motor vehicle. Applicants who use extra vehicle equipment that may help them compensate for impairment and may potentially result in a restriction on the applicant's driver license. Below are some examples of extra vehicle equipment: • Pedal or turn signal extensions • Steering knob • Vehicle solely operated by hand controls • Panoramic mirror needed by the applicant. • Store records so that all records can be retrieved for auditing by the Department. • Schools keep the original Temporary Authorization to Drive form used to take a test. • The school must retain in the applicant's record, their full name, permit/license/DOL number, date of birth, phone number, address, and copy of any identifying documents used to verify the applicant. • To record scores into the portal (SAW account), staff must have a background check, be listed on staff roster, and have been granted access to their own SAW account.
Using another person SAW account is not permitted. • Record all scores under the administering examiner's name and test location. • Schools cannot charge for issuing temporary authorizations. • Do not refer applicants who have completed the exams to a DOL LSO for document issuance until they are qualified (e. Cable And Wireless Cwd265 Manually on this page. g., have not been issued a waiver for permits or have not reached age 16 for a license), and not until the score(s),course complete, or waiver have been entered into the portal (SAW) if applicable.
Oral examinations may be administered upon request. O A school may administer an oral exam in English by reading the questions and the answers to the applicant o When administering the test to a non-English speaking person using an interpreter, the school must use an DOL approved interpreter. The approved interpreter must be accompanied by a licensed driver training school examiner, to administer the oral examination questions. A list of pre-approved interpreters used by state agencies can be found at ttp://www.courts.wa.gov/programs_orgs/pos_interpret/ and o If a school has an examiner that is bilingual they can administer the knowledge exam and skills exams. O If a school has a staff member that is bilingual they can interpret the test as long as they are accompanied by a licensed examiner. 1.Brake lights 2. Turn Signals-hand signals may be used if turn signals are not working 3.
Seat Belts 4. Parking Brake 5. Imagequant Tl Iqtl Software Ge Healthcare Address. Check id photo and signature to scorecard-must have permit, permit waiver or valid foreign drivers lic.
Find distracted driving laws for each state with explanations of what they mean.
Interlock if they have that restriction 6. Current Tabs-check reg. If expire the same month as exam 7.
Plates front and back 8. No windshield cracks in line of vision 9. If raining-windshield wipers/defrosters work properly 10.
Insurance card-must include name of policy holder and/or description of vehicle-may be libility bond or broadform insurnace or SR-22. Fails to use best possible vision when entering, leaving or within parking space. For best possible vision while backing, the applicant should turn and be primarily looking out the rear window unless use of mirrors is best possible vision, i.e., enclosed camper or van.
Before reentering traffic, including when taking a second try at parking, checking of the 'blind spot' on the left side is required. (VIS) • Bumper contact with another vehicle (no damage) or strikes poles. (Damage to poles is not scored as an accident.) (CONT) • Drives forward or backs through poles. (THRU) • Backs over curb with one wheel. (CURB) If there is damage to property, or more than one wheel over the curb, the examiner stops applicant.
Score as Accident or Dangerous Action. • Positions vehicle so that passenger side wheels are past the poles, as if on curb, but no curb is present.
(ROAD) • Fails to signal properly when leaving parked position. Signal is scored leaving the parking area, when no signal or improper signal is given, and hand signal is not given when turn indicator cannot be readily observed by street traffic. (SIG) • Unable to park. Score after two attempts to park and still not properly parked. If subject does not back in, the instructions were not understood.
Give additional instructions and allow second attempt.(UNABLE). DP: • Drives unnecessarily with less than 1/3 of steering wheel between hands; hand positioned other than on the outside of rim. (HANDS) • Elbow out of window or on sill. (ARM) • Seated in a manner impairing vision or control.
(POS) • Unnecessary one hand driving, i.e., shifting or giving hand signals in turn, one hand on gearshift lever, etc. (1 HAND) • Fails to depress clutch when starting engine. (CLUTCH) • Fails to discontinue turn signal if it does not cut off automatically, or signals when no turn or lane change is being made. (SIG) • Puts selector in improper gear causing vehicle to go in wrong direction.
(GEAR) • Unnecessary hard braking. (BRK) Lack of Skill: Jerky clutch engagement.
(CLUTCH) • Stalls engine. (STALL) • Difficulty starting engine if turned off while on drive test course. Do not score if vehicle is at fault. (START) • Races engine. (RACES) • Improper shifting: clashes gears; fails to shift when necessary, starts in improper gear. (GEAR) • Fails to release parking brake.
(PB) • Lacks knowledge of or does not properly use vehicle controls, i.e., windshield defroster, wipers, lights, etc. (CTL)**If vision is obstructed due to windows being fogged by rain, ice, snow or other conditions and they proceed, or if driving is becoming hazardous without the applicant taking necessary precautions, score as a Dangerous Action. • Spins wheels excessively on wet or slick road. DP: Lane changes made to begin a a maneuver such as hill parking, starting maneuver, etc. Will be scored in this area of the score sheet.
One vehicle width movement to the right or left or movement to another lane is necessary before scoring lane travel. Fails to signal before changing lanes. (SIG) Fails to use best possible vision to determine if it is safe to change lanes. (VIS) • Does not keep to the right where no clear center line or center markers are visible on a two way street. (RT) Does not keep vehicle in a single lane; overlaps lanes where two or more lanes are clearly marked or defined in one direction. Crosses marked center line on a two way street. (If more than one tires width, score as a violation (VIO) for driving on the wrong side of the road.)(LANES) Strikes curb or one wheel over curb when driving to side of road.
(CURB) Congestion Potential: Occupies both lanes where there are two or more lanes in one direction and the lanes are not marked or defined, creating confusion of intentions. (LANES) • Unnecessarily changes back and forth from one lane to another, e.g., around parked vehicles. Danger potential: • Fails to signal before starting to pass or after completion of pass. (SIG) • Fails to use best possible vision before starting to pass or after completion of pass. (VIS) • Passes excessively wide of vehicles or other object being passed. (WIDE) • Commences to pass, passes, or completes pass excessively close to vehicles or other object being passed. (CLOSE) • Needless travel on left portion of road before or after pass.
(LEFT) • Passes on the right when not safe. (RIGHT) Congestion potential: • Does not pass when safe to do so.