Bmw Sat Nav Disc Iso Burner
Here, you can download the complete set of three CDs for the MMI software update 5.5.70 for EUROPEAN AUDI CARS FITTED WITH MMI 2G. Note that this is not the. You can download programs such as CloneCD, Image Burn or Express Burn to burn the ISO image of the nav software that you downloaded to a CD, or use. E38 mods: Factory nav retrofit, widescreen display, XM satellite receiver in place of CD changer, custom Valentine1 stealth interface to instrument.

Here, you can download the complete set of three CDs for the MMI software update 5.5.70 for EUROPEAN AUDI CARS FITTED WITH MMI 2G. Note that this is not the navigation map, but the update for your multimedia system. This update will fix many minor issues – better work of the rain and light sensors, slight improvement in the sound quality, etc. In addition to that, there is one bigger improvement – a new 3D mode is added to your navigation (if your car is equiped with the DVD navigation and MMI High). To make he update, burn the 3 CDs on the lowest possible speed, eject all CDs from your CD changer and follow the instructions in this video. The car will not ask for the 2nd and 3rd CD. I just made the Updat on my MMI and as it finished with the 1st didn’t asked for the others.
I putted the 2nd CD and started again with the process, and the MMI selected automatically othet devices to update. I think the 3 cds are working individually, I don’t know what happens if you put all 3 CD together into the changer (CD1 to slot 1; CD2 to slot 2; CD3 to slot 3) this was not written in this topic, and I even could not see it on the video. However, Retrofit: Many many thanks for the CD’s and the lot of informations shared on your site, I think it is a wery gallant strike to share what you have, with others who do need it, for FREE! Thanks again, Regards: Matthew.
MKIV Custom OS and 2012 Navigation Unfortunately I can only deal with MKIV enquiries as this is the only unit I have access too. I have made this very basic so those with a small knowledge of computers can use it, I apologise if it's a little slow for those who are in the know.
Also owners do the following at Their Own Risk - I won't be held liable for any problems that occur, I can however try to help you resolve them. Part 1 - The custom operation software: Ok first thing is first, 1) How to identify what navigation system you have and what operating system it is currently running. This can be ascertained very quickly: Simply go into your 'config menu' and in the top right will be a code along the lines of 'SW 4-***', the *** will be the software version - not important at this stage. It's the SW4 that will confirm that you have a MKIV unit and can continue to read on You will need 1 or 2 CDR Discs and 1 DVD Disc to continue. 2) 2.1) Firstly you need to download Winrar or similar. Winrar can found here and is freeware: 2.2) Next you need to download 'NAV_SW V32.rar' file, which contains the operating system.
2.3) Once downloaded you need to right click on the file and click 'Extract to NAV_SW V32 ' 2.4) When you open the new folder named 'NAV_SW V32' you will see a file named 'NAV_SW.iso'. Now you have 2 choices: A) Windows should come with the software required called 'Windows Disc Image Burner' or; B) Download 3rd party software such as. Both of which have free trials available.
2.5) Now you need to burn the image to disc using one of the software packages mentioned above at the slowest possible speed. Simplest method is right click on the file scroll down to 'Open with' and select which software package you want to use (the ones underlined in red): 2.6) Once it has finished 'Burning' you will have a software disc. You now need to take this disc to the car and follow these steps: - Turn the key to position 1 and let everything load up - Keep the drivers door open throughout this process, DO NOT close it. - Eject the navigation disc out of the DVD drive in the boot. Don't close the flap!
- Insert the software disc you have made. - Now you can go and sit in the drivers seat - Again - keep the drivers door open throughout this process, DO NOT close it or move the key.
- The upgrade interface should load up and if prompted select 'Yes' or 'Ok' - If it doesn't load see 2.7 - Now it will be displaying a progress bar and a warning saying the update takes up to 6 minutes, it doesn't take this long. - Again - keep the drivers door open throughout this process, DO NOT close it or move the key. - If the screen flickers or goes blank don't panic, this is normal.
- After the process has finished it will eject the disc or prompt you to eject. - Remove the software disc and place the navigation disc in. - It will reboot and if you go into the config screen it should read 'SW 4-00' or very similar which will confirm it has worked and that is the software updated. 2.7) If the disc wasn't recognised or didn't load up it is because you have the most up to date software. In which case you need to download 'NAV_SW V29.rar' following the process above which will roll back the software.
Once it has installed you need to, again, follow the process above but for the the NAV_SW V32. You will now be fully updated! Download Games Digimon Psp For Pc Full Version Free. About the software: 1) 7 Digit Postcode searches are activated 2) 3d Perspective mode is available. Activate by: - Press the Menu button so you are on the main menu, then go into the 'Config/Set/Settings' menu.
- Hold down the menu button for circa 10 seconds until you are in a menu named 'Service Menu'. - Scroll down (there's a 2nd page) until you reach 'Perspective menu' and activate it. - Press the Menu button and go back into the GPS function. - Press the right button in and scroll to 'Map positioning' then select 'Perspective mode'. 3) Night and Day mode - found in the settings menu. 4) Custom Audio warning sound for speed cameras (Will need the custom 2012 navigation disc - see below). 5) Has my own custom splash screen: Which looks like this on the system (the bottom left is the reflection from my laptops screen): Regarding splash screens - I have the software to change the splash screen to whatever you want, it has to be 400x234.
Feel free to google your own image and I can get it added for you. (Until I can gauge interest in this can I kindly request you have over 100 posts before sending me a message to make a custom image, other enquiries are welcome from anyone though.) Part 2 - The navigation disc to use with the new software^^: 1) Ok for this you will need to download the files named (into the same folder): 'NAV_DB.part1. University Of Findlay Faculty Handbook Excelsior. rar, NAV_DB.part2.rar, NAV_DB.part3.rar, NAV_DB.part4.rar, NAV_DB.part5.rar' each are circa 700mb - circa 3.4GB in total. 2) Once they have all downloaded; Right click on 'NAV_DB.part1.rar' and click 'Extract to NAV_DB' 3) When you open the new folder named 'NAV_DB' you will see a file named 'NAV_DB.iso'.
Now you have 2 choices: A) Windows should come with the software required called 'Windows Disc Image Burner' or; B) Download 3rd party software such as. Both of which have free trials available. 4) Now you need to burn the image to disc using one of the software packages mentioned above at the slowest possible speed, this is very important.
Simplest method is right click on the file scroll down to 'Open with' and select which software package you want to use (the ones underlined in red): Similar to this: 5) Insert the disc into the cars DVD drive. Why choose my disc over the standard one? - It has the postcodes activated - Speed cameras, from the TomTom speed camera database are fully loaded onto the disc. This will give an audio alert when ever you are near a camera. Common issues (I will update as they come along or questions are asked) 1) Issue: The navigation is saying 'Loading' or 'Waiting' and or wont eject the disc. Fix: Hold down the eject button for 3 minutes, it will then eject. You'll then either need to clean the disc or burn a disc at a slower speed.
2) Issue: The navigation is giving a camera alert when there isn't a camera on the road or is facing the opposite direction. Fix: This is the downside, the GPS unit gives a 300 yard bubble around the car, if there are any cameras within this bubble it sounds an alert. This has taken me ages to write, however if it only saves 1 person from giving money to these con men then it has done it's job. Really hope this saves people some money. Files Thanks for reading. Updated software: Software link.
Hey Nath, Thanks for all your hard work mate just 1 problem. I cant seem to get the 7 postcode to work???
There not there already working, can you shine any lighton this for me????Yep, unfortunately the main way of doing it doesn't bring up the 7 parts of the postcode. So I always get the postcode and street name. However if you want to do the 7 postcode search then: Go to the menu screen select GPS, scroll down Select information, Then travel information, Then information on location, Then travel, Then UK postcodes, Then search for the postcode you are after.